Reverse geocoding

Google reverse geocode using longitude and latitude to street address


Reverse geocoding using provided longitude and latitude to gain a human-readable street address.

Example & DSL attributes

reverse geocoding:
  name: googleLookup
  apiKey: BJazSyDCKmFA1bTBjAp4beYMp7sVVSAqfBtNeuZ0
  response field: currentLocation

Google Geocode Requests

Joule calls the Google geocode api directly using the provided api key and latitude and longitude provided attributes.

Note Be aware a high frequency of google api calls will incur high charges against your google project. Joule will cache responses based upon matching latlng to reduce calls.


This is a direct Google Geocode API request which places the response payload in the response field. Further details on what is returned can be found here.

Attributes schema

Last updated