SQL databases

Write events in micro batches to any database which supports JDBC Type 4 drivers


Joule can publish processed events to a configured SQL database using a SQL Publisher transport. All databases with JDBC type 4 drivers are supported. This includes Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, Snowflake, Big Query, HyperSQL etc;.

This is achieved by dynamically generating INSERT statements based on the StreamEvent, ensuring the event's attributes match the database table's schema.

This feature is ideal for use cases such as offline analytics, business reporting, dashboards and process testing.

Driver details: The necessary JDBC driver (Type 4) for the SQL database must be placed in the userlibs directory to be included in the Joule runtime classpath

Example & DSL attributes

This example configures the SQL Publisher to publish events to a PostgreSQL database.

It specifies the JDBC driver (org.postgresql.Driver), connects to the database testdb on localhost:5740 and inserts events into the s1mme table.

Timestamps are included in the insertions. The connection uses SSL with the username and password set to postgres.

  jdbcDriver: org.postgresql.Driver
  host: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5740
  database: testdb
  table: s1mme
  includeTimestamps: true
    ssl: true
    user: postgres
    password: postgres

Attributes schema

Configuration parameters available for the InfluxDB publisher transport. The parameters are organised by order of importance, ranked from high to low.

Last updated