Change history
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Suite of Joule management Rest APIs for use case deployment
Joule can run in a standalone state or as a daemon
Ability to restart using previous deployed state
Joule management database
Basic process telemetry recording
New slack transport for proactive alerting
New email transport for critiacal notifications
Applied processing time constraints to use case execution
Caching of last emitted event for next processing cycle reuse
General state management to support advanced processing use cases
New SDK processor and transport annotations
New refreshed suite of demos to addressed fast tracking developers on to the platform
Upgraded following
DuckDB 1.1.3
Jackson 2.18.1
Apache arrow 18.1.0
New and improved documentation
Fixed duplicate events being emitted from an analytic window processing
Optimised and improved AVRO record handling
Improved Kafka commit and ack logic
Fixed missing CSV header
Projection order honoured for CSV file output
OpenAPI documentation improvements
Memory optimisations and handling improvements
Increased default internal base resources
Support for key data types for stateful analytics
Fixed major null bug for object vectorization
Fixed MQTT missing initialization and serialization of string payloads
Platform build target moved to JDK 23
Upgrade Gradle 8.12
Ability to join two streams using a simple join expression
Inner and outer joins support
State managed either through an time to live function or simply delete on join
Computed metrics can be added to events using the enrichment processor and emit projection
Internal in-memory database can be queried for event enrichment
Stateful computation support
Import pre-computed metrics on process startup
User defined metrics compaction query
Validated consumer message partition examples using multi Joule processing
New normalization, scaling, and statistics functions added for ML support
Stateful computation applied to computation context
Simplified DSL to enable correct processor to be used
Improvements and bug fixes to address execution of expressions and scripts
Documentation improvements
Multi Joule processing environment scripts, used within banking examples
groupby definition support across all processors
Javascript module mjs support
DuckDB 1.0.0
JPMML model initialization using local file and remote S3 stores
Dynamic model refresh using model update notifications
Offline prediction auditing that enables explainability, drift monitoring and model retraining
Ability to process avro records for inbound and outbound events
Complex data types supported using custom mapping
Schema registry support
OOTB multi cloud S3 support
Publish and consume events and insights to/from hybrid hosted S3 buckets
Drive pipeline processing using S3 bucket notifications
Consumer supports following file formats: PARQUET, CSV, ARROW, ORC
Keep reference data up to date using external systems
Apply external data within stream processing tasks
In-memory reference data elements kept up-to-date using source change notifications
Support for key value and S3 stores
Reference data file loader utility
File consuming endpoint that enable ease of integration to upstream systems
Joule event consumer endpoint to provide the ability to chain Joule processors within a cloud environment
File watcher that consumes and processes target files
Supported formats; Parquet, Json, CSV, ORC and Arrow IPC
Confluent schema registry support for outbound events
Message partition support
Confluent and RedPanda support
Query optimisation
SQL, OQL, and Key value enrichment support
Improved exception handling to fail on startup
Strict ordering
Integrated and leveraged to process file efficiently and of various file formats
Large file processing support
Processing optimisations that reduce both memory and CPU utilisation while increasing event throughput.
StreamEvent smart shallow cloning logic to reduce overall memory footprint while providing key data isolation
StreamEvent change tracking switch to reduce memory overhead
Javalin 5.6.3
Kafka 3.6.0
Avro 1.11.3
DuckDB 0.9.2
Fixed fields from holding only string values to correctly defined data types
Allowed for custom date format to be provided
Can now read an array of Json StreamEvent objects
Require ‘--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED’ to be added to the java CLI due to Apache Arrow requirements
Applying the G1 GC regionalized and generational garbage collector to improved memory usage
14-Sept 2023
Predictive Processor Model initialisation and dynamic model replacement using local file and remote S3 stores
Avro support for inbound and outbound events.
Complex data types supported using custom field mapping
Minio multi-cloud S3 consumer
Reference data support
MinIO implementation improvements to support large files and notifications
Kafka schema registry support
Apache Arrow integration to support PARQUET, CSV, ARROW, ORC file formats
Better transport exception handling
Feature engineering processor, Including plugins for binning, scaling and declarative analytics expressions
Prediction and features auditing enabling explainability, drift monitoring and retraining
In-Memory SQL Query API
Websocket publisher
Improved deep cloning of StreamEvent
Reorganisation of SDK
Project template
Bug fixes
Window events failing to publish
Docker image generation, scripting fixes, StreamEvent deep copy, documentation updates.
Documentation, metrics engine, Rest API, JDBC publisher, transport and processor updates and bug fixes
Alpha release of metrics engine and rest API
Bug fixes
Initial release