
RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy messaging platform for event-based data integration


RabbitMQ is a lightweight and easy-to-deploy messaging platform that supports multiple messaging protocols. It can be configured in distributed and federated setups to meet high-scale and high-availability requirements.

Joule enables publishing to RabbitMQ queues, exchanges and topics, providing flexible event-driven architectures.

This page covers how to configure RabbitMQ publishers within Joule, including queue-based eventing, work queues for task distribution, publish / subscribe models and routing with dynamic keys.

The examples demonstrate how to serialise events into JSON, configure exchanges and use routing keys for targeted message delivery.

Additionally, it provides configuration details for common patterns like worker queues and topic-based exchanges, offering scalability and efficiency in event processing.

Examples & DSL attributes

This example configures the RabbitMQ Publisher to send StreamEvents as JSON-formatted messages to a queue named quotes_queue.

Here's a breakdown:

  1. queue The events will be published to the quotes_queue, a named queue in RabbitMQ.

  2. serializer The events are serialized using the jsonFormatter with UTF-8 encoding, ensuring the data is formatted as JSON.

This setup sends JSON-encoded events to the quotes_queue in RabbitMQ, with the message content encoded in UTF-8.

  queue: quotes_queue
        encoding: UTF-8

Attributes schema

Exchange attributes schema

Exchange example

This example configures the RabbitMQ Publisher to send events to an exchange instead of a queue:

  1. exchange The events are published to an exchange named marketQuotes.

    1. type The exchange type is set to TOPIC, meaning events can be routed based on routing keys that include wildcards. This allows consumers to subscribe to specific types of messages using patterns like market.IBM or market.*.

This setup sends events to the marketQuotes topic exchange, enabling more flexible routing of messages based on the routing keys used by consumers.


        name: marketQuotes
        type: TOPIC

Routing attributes schema

Routing example

In this example, the RabbitMQ Publisher is configured to dynamically create a routing key based on the market and symbol fields from the StreamEvent:

  1. routing The routing key is constructed using the values of the market and symbol fields in the event. For example, if the market is nasdaq and the symbol is IBM, the routing key nasdaq.IBM will be created.

This enables fine-grained control over which events are routed to specific consumers, as they can subscribe to events using specific routing keys like nasdaq.IBM or nasdaq.*.


        event fields:
          - market
          - symbol

Serialisation attributes schema

Serialiser example

This example demonstrates how to configure the serialiser for the RabbitMQ Publisher:

  1. serializer The jsonFormatter is used to serialise the events.

    1. encoding The events are encoded in UTF-8, ensuring that the message content is in a standard JSON format that can be easily consumed by downstream applications.

This setup serialises the events into JSON format with UTF-8 encoding before publishing them to RabbitMQ.


        encoding: UTF-8

Additional resources

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