File transport

Write events directly to files in Joule-supported formats for archiving or later processing


The File transport enables direct writing of events to files in supported formats, ideal for archiving or further processing.

This setup is suitable for long-term storage, legacy system integration and validation or testing workflows.

With options for various file formats, storage locations and batch settings, this transport is adaptable to both local and cloud-based storage.

Example & DSL attributes

This example configures the File transport to save events as a CSV file named nasdaqAnalytic.csv in the directory /home/app/data/output/analytics.

Events are written in batches of 1024 records, with a 1000-millisecond timeout for each batch. The CSV file uses UTF-8 encoding and a pipe (|) as the delimiter.

  filename: nasdaqAnalytic
  path: /home/app/data/output/analytics
  batchSize: 1024
  timeout: 1000
      contentType: text/csv
      encoding: UTF-8
      delimiter: "|"

Attributes schema

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