
Register, list, detail and unregister data sources and sinks


Transports provide the integration links required to consume and publish computed stream results. Joule Management API provides the ability to register, list, detail and undeploy transports. For further information on the structure of the content payload refer to this documentation.

Example transport content

    "kafkaConsumer": {
        "name": "nasdaq_quotes_stream",
        "cluster address": "joule-gs-redpanda-0:9092",
        "consumerGroupId": "nasdaq",
        "topics": [
        "deserializer": {
        "parser": "",
        "key deserializer": "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerDeserializer",
        "value deserializer": "com.fractalworks.streams.transport.kafka.serializers.object.ObjectDeserializer"
        "properties": {
        "partition.assignment.strategy": "org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.StickyAssignor",
        "max.poll.records" : "7000",
        "fetch.max.bytes" : "10485760"

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