Low Code DSL

The Joule platform provides a low code solution through the a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that defines use cases using human-readable yaml syntax.

Joule Domain Specific Language

This forms the key platform low code approach

Four functionally independent definitions form the Joule use case. These are outlined below with accompanying detailed documentation in further articles.

Use case definition

Use cases are declared by defining source data requirements, processing pipeline, and output requirements. Read the use case definition documentation for further information.


The below example creates the min/max values for ask and bid values within a five-second tumbling window and only publishes symbols where they are not 'A'.

  name: standardQuoteAnalyticsStream
  eventTimeType: EVENT_TIME
    - nasdaq_quotes_stream

  processing unit:
      - time window:
          emitting type: tumblingQuoteAnalytics
          aggregate functions:
            MIN: [ask, bid]
            MAX: [ask, bid]
            type: tumblingTime
            windowSize: 5000

    eventType: windowQuoteEvent
    select: "symbol, ask_MIN, ask_MAX, bid_MIN, bid_MAX"
    having: "symbol !='A'"

  group by:
    - symbol

Data subscription

Users are able to subscribe to external data events through the use of source connectors. For a detailed understanding of how to subscribe to data read the data subscription documentation and for a complete list of available connectors go to the sources catalog.


The below example connects to a Kafka cluster, consumes events from the quote topic and transforms the received quote object into an internal StreamEvent object.

  name: nasdaq_quotes_stream
    - kafkaConsumer:
        name: nasdaq_quotes_stream
        cluster address: KAFKA_BROKER:19092
        consumerGroupId: nasdaq
          - quotes

          parser: com.fractalworks.examples.banking.data.QuoteToStreamEventParser
          key deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerDeserializer
          value deserializer: com.fractalworks.streams.transport.kafka.serializers.object.ObjectDeserializer

Event publishing

Users are able to publish events to downstream data platforms through the use of destination connectors. For a detailed understanding of how to publish data read the event publishing documentation and for a complete list of available connectors go to the destinations catalog.


The below example generates a quoteWindowStream.csv file from the tumblingWindowQuoteStream events.

  name: standardAnalyticsFilePublisher
  source: standardQuoteAnalyticsStream
    - file:
        enabled: true
        filename: nasdaqAnalytic
        path: ./data/output/analytics
        batchSize: 1024
        timeout: 1000
          csv formatter:
            contentType: "text/csv"
            encoding: "UTF-8"
            delimiter: "|"

Reference data

Often in stream processing additional data is required to perform analytics, generally known as reference data. Data of this form generally updates at a much slower pace and therefore is managed differently and held in data platform not architected for low latency reads. Joule has build a low latency read mechanism to overcome this limitation using in-memory caching. Further information can be found in the reference data documentation.


The below example connects to a distributed caching platform, Apache Geode, for a low latency reference data reads.

reference data:
  name: banking market data 
  data sources:
    - geode stores:
        name: us markets
          locator address:
          locator port: 41111
            region: nasdaq-companies
            keyClass : java.lang.String
            gii: true
            region: us-holidays
            keyClass : java.lang.Integer

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