
Select and filter output events for publishing


Publish event query projections to downstream systems, with options to select, refine and calculate event attributes and filter the final projected event.

The following function can be applied to the projection expression

  1. Event attribute selection Select event attributes to be included in the final results.

  2. Add metric data Apply calculated metrics within the projection.

  3. Apply simple math functions Use simple math function on the selected attributes.

  4. Filter resulting projected data Use the having filter to narrow the result set, similar to the SQL having clause.

  5. Attribute renaming using an alias Rename attributes to ease system integrations.

Using the select expression

To bring this to life, we shall use the following select query and final stream event that will be queried.


    eventType: buy_alert
        venue.name 'venue',
        ask - bid 'spread',
        BidMovingAverage.avg_ask|avg_bid;where symbol = {symbol}
    having: "symbol =='IBM' && spread > 0.05"

Source event

The following event example will be used to demonstrate the select query and having filter.

# Source processed event
      symbol: IBM
      ask: 101
      bid: 100
      details: {
         vol: 50
         liq: 60   
      venue: {
         name: nasdaq

Output event

This will produce the following result which is published to the connected consumers.

# Result object
event type: buy_alert
  venue: nasdaq
  symbol: IBM
  ask: 101
  bid: 100
  spread: 1
  vol: 50
  liq: 60
  avg_ask: 101.34
  avg_bid: 100.12

Using metrics

A key feature is the ability to use and embed calculated metrics within the select expression.

This enables the following advanced capabilities:

  • Ability to add pre-calculated metrics within the select projection.

  • Perform calculations using event attributes and metrics.

  • Embed metrics values to be applied to within the having clause logic

For further information on how this feature is used go to the apply metrics documentation.


        # Adding metrics attributes
        BidMovingAverage.avg_ask|avg_bid;where symbol = {symbol}
       "symbol =='IBM' && avg_ask > 101.15"

Attributes schema


BidMovingAverage.avg_ask;where symbol = {symbol}


Query the BidMovingAverage table where the event symbol joins the matched latest row for attribute avg_ask

BidMovingAverage.avg_ask|avg_bid;where symbol = {symbol}

101.34, 100.12

Query the BidMovingAverage table where the event symbol joins the matched latest row for attributes avg_ask and avg_bid

BidMovingAverage.avg_ask;where symbol = {symbol} AND venue=${venue.name}

101.24, 100.22

Query the BidMovingAverage table where the event symbol and venue joins the matched latest row for the attribute avg_ask

having clause

This is a Javascript expression based filter that evaluates the expression against the resulting select projection result.

If the expression condition is met the resulting event is published otherwise it is dropped.

This is an optional property

# Only publish IBM events with an avg_ask greater than 101.15
    having: "symbol == 'IBM' && avg_ask > 101.15"

Attributes schema

AttributeDescriptionData TypeRequired

event type

Allows renaming of the event type in the published output. The default appends the final event type attribute to "_view"

String Default: <eventType>_view


SQL-style command that lets users specify which fields to include. Users can perform calculations (i.e., averages) on fields as well and it supports integration with the metrics engine for advanced calculations. Users can add metrics to the event output by specifying metric expressions in the select clause



This is a Javascript expression filter that evaluates the expression against the resulting select project. If the expression passes the resulting event is presented to publishing sinks


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