RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy messaging platform. It supports multiple messaging protocols. RabbitMQ can be deployed in distributed and federated configurations to meet high-scale, high-availability requirements. Joule provides the ability to publish to RabbitMQ queues, exchanges and topics.
Driver details
Configuration Guide
Example configuration
This will publish StreamEvents as JSON formatted messages onto the quotes_queue.
Core Attributes
Available configuration parameters
Attribute | Description | Data Type | Required |
host | RabbitMQ server hostname or Ip address | String Default: localhost | |
port | RabbitMQ server port, must be greater than 0. | Integer Default: 5672 | |
username | User name | String Default: guest | |
password | password | String Default: guest | |
virtualHost | Creates a logical group of connections, exchanges, queues, bindings, user permissions, etc. within an instance. See vhost documentation for further information | String Default: / | |
autoAck | Flag to consider if server should message acknowledged once messages have been delivered. False will provide explicit message acknowledgment. | Boolean Default: true | |
global | QoS - true if the settings should be applied to the entire channel rather than each consumer | Boolean Default: true | |
durable | Set a durable queue (queue will survive a server restart) | Boolean Default: true | |
autoDelete | Server deletes queue when not in use | Boolean Default: true | |
exclusive | Exclusive queue to this connection | Boolean Default: false | |
arguments | Additional queue properties | Map<String, Object> Default: null | |
exchange | Exchange configuration | See Exchange Attributes section | |
routing | Routing configuration | See Routing Attributes section | |
serializer | Serialization configuration | See Serialization Attributes section |
Exchange Attributes
Attribute | Description | Data Type | Required |
name | Name of exchange | String | |
type | In RabbitMQ, messages are published to an exchange and, depending on the type of exchange, the message gets routed to one or more queues.
arguments | Additional binding properties | Map<String, Object> Default: null |
Exchange example
Routing Attributes
Attribute | Description | Data Type | Required |
event fields | List of event fields to create dynamic routing keys | String Default: None |
Routing example
This example will dynamical create route binding using the market and symbol StreamEvent fields. As an example the following would be created nasdaq.IBM
as a routing key.
Serialization Attributes
This topic provides configuration parameters available object serialization process.
Attribute | Description | Data Type | Required |
transform | User provided implementation that transforms the StreamEvent in to a domain class. The resulting domain class must implement Serializable interface | Implementation of StreamEventParser | |
formatter | If a custom transformer has not been provided the for formatter setting will be applied to the processed StreamEvent object. | Default: jsonFormatter | |
compressed | Not implemented | Boolean Default: false |
Serializer example
All examples assume default values when not applied.
Queue based eventing
Sets up a simple publisher which sends to Json StreamEvents directly to a named queue.
Work Queues
Publish to a Worker Queue that is used to distribute time-consuming tasks among multiple Joule workers.
This example publishes events to an exchange where consumers receive these events from a connected exchange queue. Because the exchange is configured we do not need to define a queue name.
This time we're going to make it possible to publish events using routing keys so that consumers can selectively subscribe to required events.
This example is very similar to the previous case whereby we publish to events using routing keys. However, since we are using a topic exchange this enables the consuming client to use wildcards to subscribe to a wider set of events, see RabbitMQ source documentation for further information.
Additional Resources
Offical RabbitMQ documentation
CloudAMQP documentation
Last updated