
Processors form the core of the Joule platform. A processor performs a distinct unique function when chained with others form a business use case

A use case core definition is based upon the processing pipeline. A pipeline is formed of one or more linked processors. This follows the functional programming paradigm whereby each processor performs a distinct process.

Events are processed in sequence with the final event either being presented to a select processor or directly to connected transports.

Available processor types

Joule has provided a number of core processors for developers to leverage to build domain use case. Processors can be categorised in to various functional grouping that reflect there purpose within the platform.


Reduce stream processing overhead by filtering unnecessary events


Enrich events using linked reference data, metrics and analytics


Transform event attribute values based upon a desired target state


Apply rule based triggers for downstream business actions

Observability and Metrics

Each OOTB processor record and presents event metrics to JMX monitoring platforms. This provides direct insight into how a streaming use case is performing.

Metrics available

  • Received

  • Processed

  • Failed

  • Discarded

  • Ignored

  • Average processing latency

All of these metrics are enabled by default and presented as JMX beans on the standard monitoring ports.

Enable JMX

Apply these settings to the joule execution path


For further information use the instructions in Monitoring and Management Using JMX Technology

Core attributes

Every processor that inherits from the base class AbstractProcessor , using the Joule SDK, will gain these core features.

AttributeDescriptionData TypeRequired


Uniquie name of processor.


Default: Random UUID


Toogle to enable processor processing


Default: true


Processor specific properties


clone event

Toogle to clone event for processing. Note this will cause significant memory overhead for high load use cases


Default: false


External data stores can be attached, useful for analytics, enrichment, filtering and transformation use cases

latency trigger

Number of events processed to trigger the average processing calculation. A value less than 1 switches off the calculation.


Default: 1000

Last updated