Window Analytics

Joule provides the ability to perform time or number of events window based analytics. A suite of standard window functions are provided out-of-the-box. Developers can create custom analytic functions which are deployable as discrete components on the classpath.

Tumbling windows are a non-overlapping events arrays ordered by time. In a tumbling window, events are grouped in to a single window based on time or count. An event belongs to only one window. Events within a window are only processed once when a new window is presented for processing.


processing unit:
    - time window:
        emitting type: tumblingQuoteAnalytics
        aggregate functions:
          FIRST: [ask]
          LAST: [ ask ]
          MIN: [ ask ]
          MAX: [ bid ]
          SUM: [ volume ]
          MEAN: [ volatility ]
          VARIANCE: [ volatility ]
          STDEV: [ volatility ]
          type: tumblingTime
          window size: 5000

Core Attributes

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